P & NP

  • P: class of problems solvable in polynomial time. $O(n^k)$ for some constant $k$.

    Shortest paths in a graph.

  • NP: class of problems verifiable in polynomial time.

    Verifying a cycle is hamiltonian.

  • NP-complete: problem is in NP and is as hard as any problem in NP.


Interval Scheduling / 区间调度问题

Requests $1,2, . . . , n$, single resource

$s(i)$ start time, $f(i)$ finish time, $s(i) < f(i)$ (start time must be less than finish time for a request)

Two requests $i$ and $j$ are compatible if they don’t overlap, i.e., $f(i) \le s(j)$ or $f(j) \le s(i)$.


Goal: Select a compatible subset of requests of maximum size.

Greedy Algorithm


  1. 使用某种方法选择一个request $i$.
  2. 拒绝request中冲突的部分
  3. 重复这一步骤直到所有的request被处理


Claim 1. Greedy algorithm outputs a list of intervals

such that

Claim 2. Given list of intervals $L$, greedy algorithm with earliest finish time produces $k^\ast$ intervals, where $k^\ast$ is optimal.

证明可使用数学归纳法,从$k^\ast=1$的base case归纳,可以得到$k^\ast$一直是最优的序列,详细过程略。

Weighted Interval Scheduling

Each request $i$ has weight $w(i)$. Schedule subset of requests that are non-overlapping with maximum weight.


Dynamic Programming


我们这样定义Weighted Interval Scheduling的子问题:

其中,$R$是所有request的集合,如果我们令$x=f(i)$,那么$R^{x}$为集合$R$中起始时间晚于request $i$的request,这样我们需要解决的总子问题数$n=|R|$且只需要计算并记录一次。

当我们选择request $i$作为序列的起始时,那么剩余的request集合为$R^{f(i)}$,不难注意到有些request与request $i$是协调的,但它仍然不会出现在$R^{f(i)}$中,即我们在按序遍历所有的子问题:


The nlogn Dynamic Programming Solution

  1. 将所有requests按结束时间顺序排列
  1. 定义$p(j)$为具有最大下标且不与$j$冲突的request
  2. 定义数组$M[0…n]$为最优解的值组成的数组,$M[k]$为考虑request从1到k所得到的最大权重值


M[0] = 0
for j = 1 to n
M[j] = max(w(j)+M[p(j)], M[j-1])